Barry Kearney

Branch Manager

I am Barry Kearney and I have worked in West London for 30 years. I love the parks and open spaces in West London and the varied Architecture which ranges from classic Victorian-era elegance to modern cutting-edge design.

Being a coffee addict I love the abundance of cafes and bistros on the colourful high streets and welcome an in-depth discussion on who serves the best croissants!!

I am a keen baker, but odd-shaped loaves and wonky cakes are my usual output. When not at work I enjoy living a healthy lifestyle in a bid to make up for the stupidity of my youth, I like to read, and spend time with family and friends.

t: 020 8567 2242
Barry Kearney
Ashley Rolfe
Ashley Rolfe MNAEA MARLA
Managing Director
t: 020 8567 2242
Robert Barrett
Robert Barrett
Director Of Land And New Homes
t: 020 8579 4080
Shane Active
Shane Active MNAEA
Sales & Lettings Director
t: 020 8579 1111
Laurence Truett
Laurence Truett
Managing Director (Sherborne)
t: 01935 814 929
Max Rolfe
Max Rolfe
Commercial Property
t: 020 8566 0288
James Williams
James Williams
Branch Manager
t: 020 8993 7755
Steven Moran
Steven Moran
Branch Manager
t: 020 8579 1111
Ranj Rashid
Ranj Rashid
Branch Manager
t: 020 8575 1144
Richard Blair
Richard Blair MNAEA MARLA
Property Consultant
t: 020 8567 2242
Jay Cheung
Jay Cheung
Lettings Manager
t: 020 8993 7755
Ash Patel
Ash Patel
Assistant Manager
t: 020 8993 7755
Emily Finlay
Emily Finlay
Sales & Lettings Negotiator
t: 020 8567 2242
Bazyan Ozairy
Bazyan Ozairy
Sales & Lettings Negotiator
t: 020 8579 1111
Ana Bojan
Ana Bojan
Office Co-ordinator
t: 020 8566 0288
Are you ready to have your property valued?

We know it’s a big step to decide to move so you will appreciate the care and attention that we bring to the table.

We will look at a number of factors such as the condition of the property, its location, access to transport links, and other market indicators before giving you an accurate valuation.

Book a valuation

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